Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Silence Of The Lambs By Jonathan Demme - 1641 Words
The â€Å"Silence of the Lambs†directed by Jonathan Demme based on the story by Ted Tally, is a psychological thriller film that involves the main character(s) Clarice Starling, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and Jamie Gumb. Most of the story in the film takes place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1989-90s. In the film, Jodie Foster played the female protagonist Clarice Starling, an F.B.I agent who worked in the behavioral science unit; which was assigned to confide and interrogate an incarcerated killer to receive insight into a case that would be helpful on catching another vicious serial killer. Anthony Hopkins played a male antagonist Dr. Hannibal Lecter a forensic psychiatrist who is a serial killer, psychopath, manic, and a cannibal that loves to convert the meat of his victims into tasty dishes for himself. However, Lecter is a gentleman who has an astonishing intellect and speaks very eloquently. The third character played by Ted Levine is Jamie Gumb which is the most impor tant antagonist of the movie because he is a fictional serial killer best known by the F.B.I as Buffalo Bill. Gumb is a transsexual who loves to kill female victims, to skin their humps to create skin suit. The plot revolves around the conflicts of good versus evil and loss of a daughter in which the F.B.I agent Clarice Starling has to stop the Buffalo Bill for murdering young women’s and kidnapping a Senator’s daughter. Let us examine one scene that describes the used of mise-en-scene that help tellShow MoreRelatedPsychology in Silence of the Lambs1081 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ The Silence of the Lambs 1991 Director – Jonathan Demme Writer – Thomas Harris Cinematographer – Tak Fujimoto Jodie Foster – Clarice Starling Anthony Hopkins – Dr. Hannibal Lecter AKA Hannibal the Cannibal Scott Glenn – Jack Crawford Ted Levine – Jame Gumb AKA Buffalo Bill Theme can be defined as â€Å"a central insight.†According to the authors of The Art of Watching Films, a theme in a literary work or film should be universal and should be one that challenges people (Boggs PetricRead MoreThe Silence Of The Lambs Analysis865 Words  | 4 PagesThe Silence of the Lambs directed by Jonathan Demme in 1991 is said to be the best Crime, Drama, Thrillers.. all in one. The movie The Silence of the Lambs that won the Best Picture Oscar for my year(1991) clearly adheres to and reflects the influence of Heros Journey story structure from Acts one, two, and three throughout the whole movie by using Call To Adventure, Crossing the threshold, Tests, Enemies and Allies, Ordeal , and Return With The Elixir. The main Character Clarice is assigned toRead MoreChange: an Analysis of the Silence of the Lambs1567 Words  | 7 PagesChange: An Analysis of The Silence of the Lambs Stacy Cooper HUM/150 May 28, 2012 Victor Armenta University of Phoenix Change: An Analysis of The Silence of the Lambs The Silence of the Lambs (1991) is a film based on the novel by Thomas Harris, directed by Jonathan Demme. This film is a psychological crime-drama-thriller. Each of the main characters in this film share, in their own ways, a desire for change. The purpose of this paper is to analyze three main character’s roles in the filmRead MoreThe Silence Of The Lambs959 Words  | 4 Pagesas their intelligence and typical demeanor is peculiar. In the film The Silence of the Lambs directed by Jonathan Demme, one of the main characters, Hannibal Lecter portrays unusual behaviour. Based on his questionable character, one may argue that genius-like behaviour is conspicuous; this is seen through his relationships, his intellect, and overall demeanor. The relationships observed in the movie The Silence of the Lambs depicts thoughtful but suspicious intent. A female FBI trainee, ClariceRead MoreAnalysis of the Film Silence of the Lambs1358 Words  | 5 Pagesmurderers themselves, is The Silence of the Lambs (1991). Through a combination of criminology, psychology, and sociology, The Silence of the Lambs is able to not only inform audiences of the dangerous types of people that currently inhabit society, but also of the individuals who study serial murderers with the intent of apprehending them before they commit any more crimes and to help identify these murderers victims. One of the disciplines explored by The Silence of the Lambs is criminology. CriminologyRead MoreSilence Of The Lambs, Don t Breathe, And 10 Cloverfield Lane1629 Words  | 7 Pagesto the top to pioneer a new kind of film. Silence of the lambs, Don’t breathe, and 10 Cloverfield Lane have a lot in common but are vastly different films. Silence of the lambs is a classic film said to have pioneered a new way to film thrillers including but not limited to, Don’t Breathe and 10 clover field lane. With these three films we will see how horror and thriller have become almost synonymous. In Silence of the lambs directed by Jonathan Demme, the story centers itself around soon to beRead MoreEssay on Evaluation of The Silence Of The Lambs3009 Words  | 13 PagesEvaluation of The Silence Of The Lambs The film which I am evaluating is called The Silence of the Lambs and is based on Thomas Harris novel and is directed by Jonathan Demme. The film was shot in Pittsburgh and is set in West Virginia. In the making of this film careful research was carried out in bringing each character to life especially Jame Buffalo Bill Gumb. This included the actors being at crime scenes and viewing files about previous serial killers in orderRead MoreEssay about Production Report on Thriller Film1549 Words  | 7 Pagesthem to create the effect desired e.g. the use of incidental music and silences; filming the villain so his face is never fully shown; using low-key lighting to create shadows; low and high angled shots to create the feeling of power and control; close-ups of eyes to show fear; slow, long-held shots to create tension. 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Another piece of work that illustrate Dexter in a new way is The Silence of the Lambs which focuses on Hannibal Lecter. He is has more than one personality throughout his life, people recall him has a sociopath. Lecter tortured animals as a child. But the big event that traumatized him when he witnessed his sister get murdered
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay about The Central American Free Trade Agreement
The Central American Free Trade Agreement CAFTA is a proposed international free trade agreement between the United States and numerous countries within Central America. Some of the nations who could potentially participate in this treaty are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. This proposed agreement stems primarily from the fact the United States relies on Central America as a primary export market. In fact, it is believed this area of world is Americas 18th largest export target. Another contributing factor to the proposed agreement comes from what is believed to be an unfair trade policy. During the presidency of Ronald Reagan, Central American countries had many tariffs slashed under what is known as the†¦show more content†¦By having nations worldwide adopt such programs as free trade, they also are more likely to convert into a democratic government. The United States also takes the position that a free trade agreement will help introduce Central America into the modern world. Many countries south of the border still relay heavily on small farms and independent growers for much of the nations fiscal identity. The U.S. stands firm in the belief CAFTA would allow Central America to adapt to a more modernized economic system, which would in turn create growth and prosperity for the countries and their respective people. It is our government’s belief CAFTA would create stability in an otherwise up and down area of the world. Going off the belief that our economic system is a cycle highly dependent on cooperation from other nations, this means nothing but positives for all involved. It is the solid belief of the U.S. government that the key to economic growth and financial gain through world trade is open markets and transparency. According to the United States, a free trade agreement breaking down barriers and widening the trade field will allow for permanent gains and growth for all nations involved. Despite these points put forth by the U.S., there still exist a strong and valid opposition to the proposed CAFTA agreement. It is a solid belief that a free trade agreement will swallow up and destroy the back bone of most agricultural nations. This of course is theShow MoreRelatedThe U.S. Central American Free Trade Agreement Essay919 Words  | 4 PagesThe U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). The U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement(CAFTA) is a trade agreement that is being negotiated between the United States and five Central American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The United States is committed to opening markets around the world because American farmers, workers, consumers and businesses want to sell our world class goods and services. CAFTA will simplify trade; promoteRead MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1711 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper will discuss four components of the North American Free Trade Agreement: Background, events, pros and cons. Upon the research, you will discover four online articles to provide more detail and examples. This research will indicate how it was developed and the reasoning on why it would benefit the nation. Also, it will provide events that occur after the agreement was signed by congress and the recession the countries experience during the early 2000s. There will be a chart locatedRead MoreFree Trade : U.s. A And Canada1373 Words  | 6 PagesFREE TRADE BETWWEN U.S.A AND CANADA The first thing we should understand is what is what is FREE TRADE or the meaning of FREE TRADE The definition which I can think of is Free trade is international policy where governments doesn’t create any restriction and on goods and other materials to import or export smoothly and no heavy taxes are applied so that both countries can operate smoothly and gain profit. OR The treaty in which 2Read MoreThe North American Free Trade Agreement1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe North American Free Trade Agreement also referred to as NAFTA produced results on January 1, 1994. A trade agreement was made between each of the three of nations of North America. The United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Canadian Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, the Mexican President, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, and previous U.S. President George H. Shrub initiated the agreement. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Cross Border And Domestic Mergers And Acquisitions Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2768 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? In todays globalised economy, mergers and acquisitions are being increasingly used in the world over for improving competitiveness, of companies through gaining greater market share, broadening the portfolio to reduce business risk and for entering new markets and geographies and achieving economies of scale. The Purpose of the research paper is to examine the reason why a firm is more likely to be a foreign target than a domestic target with respect to India. This paper examines the characteristics of a firm like technology, market share, size etc which make it attractive to foreign investors or domestic investors. The paper directly compares the characteristics of the cross border targets and domestic targets Indian firms over the period 2000-2006. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cross Border And Domestic Mergers And Acquisitions Finance Essay" essay for you Create order The economic liberalization and reforms initiated in 1991 have served to trigger corporate restructuring through MA. The increased competition prompted the Indian companies to opt for mergers and acquisitions as a strategic corporate choice. The trends of mergers and acquisitions in india have changed over years. Favourable government policy, additional liquidity in the corporate sector, optimism in the economic growth and dynamic and motivated attitudes of Indian entrepreneurs are the key factors behind the changing trends in the pattern of mergers and acquisitions in India. Also, the effects of mergers and acquisitions have been diverse across various sectors of the Indian economy. Among the different Indian sectors that have resorted to mergers and acquisitions in recent times- Telecom, FMCG,finance automobile industry, and steel industry and real estate are worth mentioning. India is now one of the leading nations in the world in terms of mergers and acquisitions. Research Objectives- Characteristics of firms that become potential MA targets Risks and opportunities associated with domestic MA Risks and opportunities associated with cross-border MA Firms objectives guiding domestic or cross-border MA Domestic MA vis a vis Cross border MA in being able to fulfil a firms desired objectives The premerger and post merger performance of acquirer firms: Domestic and Foreign LITERATURE REVIEW Mergers and acquisitions as a subject has been a topic of interest amongst the circles of financial research. In recent history numerous literature and papers have been researched on the impact of MA on corporate consolidation and several theories have been proposed to understand the empirical evaluation of such impacts. USA and Several European markets were researched by several researchers to evaluate the corporate performance of the organizations followed by mergers and acquisitions. Several such researchers have showed that the main reason for the better performance of the acquiring firms have been due to several operational and technical synergies between the acquiring firm and the acquired firm. Hall(1988), stated that higher the RD expenditures, greater is the probability of being acquired with respect to U.S firms. According to Jensen(1983), and acquirers motives have been classified into four categories: Distribution Costs Gain market power Financial motivations Eliminate inefificient Target Management(acquiring firms intent) Lubatkin(1983) has identified three possible sources of strategic relation between the target firms and the acquiring firms , that could be treated as motives for mergers Pecuniary economies (achieved through dictating prices i.e lower prices for inputs in large quantities by exerting market power) technical economies (scale economies through improving process efficiencies) diversification economies (improving a firms performance by managing the existing portfolio of business). Palepu (1986) employs logit analysis to investigate the usefulness of six acquisition hypothesis in predicting targets likely to be acquired and found clear support for size hypothesis. The six dimensions were growth resource imbalance,inefficient management, asset undervaluation, price earning ratio and industry distuyance size 3.1Research on Post merger performance in India India has been a breeding ground for many deals in MA since the liberlasation in 1991.However the studies on MA activity in India have been so far limited. Beena(2004) observed the pre merger and post merger performance of a sample of 115 acquiring firms in the manufacturing sector in India between 1995-2000 using a set of financial ratios and t test. There was no improvement analysed in the financial ratios after the mergers. Kaur(2002) compared the pre merger and the post merger performance of 20 firms between 1997-2000 by making use of a set of eight financial ratios during a three year period before and after the merger, usint the t-test. It was observed that both the efficiency and profitability of the targeted companies declined in the post merger period and there was no change in the post takeover performance. Reasons of Indian companies entering into domestic MA activity- There are companies with sick subsidiaries and the only way out is to merge the sick unit with the parent company(Kumar and Rajib 2007) There are companies who seek to consolidate their core business activities to attain balance sheet size and net worth, in order to mount strategic takeovers of companies in similar business activities. Achieve synergy on theory operations(Kumar and Rajib 2007) Reasons of Foreign companies investing in India via MA- India is an emerging economy with booming population and growing middle class. The MNCs are ready to pay a premium to acquire existing businesses instead of setting up new companies. Thus, gaining quick access to Indian market. (Kumar and Rajib 2007) Market entry strategy by getting access to local knowledge and using local means to create and deliver the products and services. The above reasons can very well be explained by Dunnings Eclectic Theory of Framerwork which distinguishes four types of FDI- Resource seeking investment- relating to exploitation of cheap labour and mineral resources Market seeking investment- made to promote new or defend the existing markets Efficiency seeking investment- aims at rationalizing gains by optimizing intra division of laour and specialising existing portfolio of domestic and foreign assets Stategic Asset seeking investment=Augment the exisiting assets via mergers and acquisitions. According to Dunning: FDI =O+L+I The Ownership Advantages explain that the firms go abroad mainly to exploit specific advantages which are internal to the firm and it allows the firms to overcome the transaction and production costs in a foreign location (Griffin and Pustay, n.d.) The Location Advantages explain that MNEs choose the location by comparing each countrys attractiveness in terms of cultural, economic and social advantages(Griffin and Pustay, n.d.) The Internalization advantages explain the mode of entry of a firm in the foreign country. The MNE can either adopt licensing method or enter by having a wholly owned subsidiary and then determine how to successfully expand their operations over time (Griffin and Pustay,n.d.) 3.2 The characteristics of firms that make it an attractive MA target:- 1-Location hypothesis Apart from the firm specific characteristics that make it attractive, the fact that these firms are Indian- also plays a significant contributor to their being a coveted investment target. India being an attractive destination to invest in, lends profitability to the act of targeting Indian firms. (Georgopoulos,2008) 2-Market structure hypothesis Market share-market share bears a positive effect in explaining the likelihood of foreign acquisition(Georgopoulos,2008) Product differentiation- Non price competition through product differentiation based on advertising,attractive brand names and trademarks offers attractive opportunities to foreign players and thus cross border deals. Competitive industries with more homogeneous products report greater share of domestic acquisitions. Concentration- In a highly concentrated industry, market entry is more likely to be via international acquisitions, whereas in industries with low concentration, entry would be more likely by domestic acquisition. (Georgopoulos,2008) 3- Technology transfer hypothesis Technology transfer is regarded as a major motivation for foreign acquisitions (Harris and Ravenscraft(1991). Higher the RD expenditures, greater the possibility of being acquired by a foreign company rather than a domestic company. Also, market knowledge and local knowledge embedded in the operations of a firm are very valuable resources that an acquiring firm wishes to obtain. (Georgopoulos,2008) 4- Export orientation of targets Foreign investors search for export oriented targerts. Greenaway (1992) argued that dismantling of the non tariff barriers will stimulate FDI in specific locations elected to serve the foreign markets via exports. (Georgopoulos,2008) 5- Competitive nature of target Foreign firms are more likely to go for targets having both high competitiveness in industry and division of labor. (Georgopoulos,2008) 6- Import penetration of industry Foreign targets will penetrate in branches open international trade, showing high penetration index compared to domestic acquisitions. (Georgopoulos,2008) 7- Anti competition effects They are probably greater for domestic MA since there is more direct competition between merging firms. Since geographical proximity removes some barriers to trade, thus an incentive for anti competing measures. (Georgopoulos,2008) 8- Wages India offers cheap skilled labour. This attracts foreign investments in India. (Georgopoulos,2008) Apart from these general characteristics that guide acquisitions and investment , there are some very important theories that predominantly make a firm a potential acquisition target. 9-Inefficent management hypothesis- Chances of acquisition of an inefficiently managed or an underperforming firm is directly a function of potential gain that will accrue to the acquirer once the inefficient management is replaced. (Kumar and Rajib 2007) 10-Growth Resources Mismatch Hypothesis- Some firms have high growth, huge resources and low market valuation. This offers a golden opportunity to the acquiring firm who is correctly able to identify this mismatch. (Kumar and Rajib 2007) 11-Price earnings ratio Firms having higher price earnings ratio will purchase a firm with low price earnings ratio. This will increase earnings per share post merger even though there has been no real increase in earnings of assets. . (Kumar and Rajib 2007) 12- Management Hypothesis It states that the acquisitions will lead to improved performance if managers are able to maximize the value of corporate assets. i.e. the acquiring firms should have superior accounting and market performance compared to target firms. The yearly average stock returns are used as a basis of measuring the management performance. . (Kumar and Rajib 2007) 13- Size hypothesis- Larger Firms are less likely to become a takeover target since there are larger costs associated with incorporating it in the acquirer firms organizational and managerial structure. . (Kumar and Rajib 2007) 14- Asset Undervaluation hypothesis-(most imp) Merger motives can be attributed to the undervaluation of target companies. This hypothesis states that firms with low market to book ratio are undervalued and more likely to become takeover targets. Firms with low market-to-book ratios are viewed as undervalued and are potential takeover targets. The market-to book ratio is represented by P/B. . (Kumar and Rajib 2007) The research on MA activity in India has been limited. I will throw light on the driving forces behind international acquisitions and their interdependence with domestic acquisitions and the difference in the characteristics of a foreign and a domestic takeover target.I will also analyse the post merger performance of the Foreign and domestic acquirers and compare their post merger performance. Research Question Do cross border acquisitions of Indian target firms differ from that of domestic takeover targets? Does post merger performace of foreign acquirer firms differ from that of domestic performance? 4.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY According to Nicholas Steneck, research is a systematic investigation including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. When a research is conducted, it involves processes like planning, examining, and implementing the objectives to derive results. (Ghauri Gronhaug, 2005). A good research should have the apt logical reasoning and analysis in it. This wholly depends on the researcher. (Ghauri,2005). The methodology used in this thesis will explain the performance of the companies engaging in MA under both domestic and cross border scenario. This section of the thesis will first explain the research approach and strategy and then move towards explaining the data collection methods. Quantitative research encompasses measures to which a feature is present. It is often denoted by percentages, means, medians, standard deviations, chi square and other statistical figures. (Kirk and Miller 1986). 4.1 Sampling Identifying the target companies Sample size 130 companies will be taken for data analysis Sampling units -Target companies: Cross Border Deals in India and domestic deals in India. Sampling extent and time the time frame is post 2000. Sampling Classification- Since the size of Foreign and Domestic companies are substantially different , so to avoid the impact of their respective sizes on their post merger performance, a specific price range will be taken into account and only those samples which fall under this category from both foreign and domestic companies will be considered. 4.2 Methodology The research of this topic will be conducted using secondary data by quantitative method of research. Secondary data is a valuable source as it has a number of benefits. Primarily it saves both money and time, as well as it helps the researcher to better understand the research problem and broaden the basis for the conclusions.(Ghauri and Gronhaug 2002) To meet the desired objectives of this research, an empirical approach will be adopted whereby the post MA performance of firms both under domestic as well as cross border scenario will be analysed. To capture the relevance of current times, the analysis will be based on domestic and cross border acquisition post the year 2000. Mergers and Acquisitions are a fairly recent trend in India and have been resorted by corporate only after the rationalisation of policy reforms post 1991. There is negligible amount of Data in the early 1990s and hence there is a dearth of a data in that time frame. A representative sample of significant acquisitions will be taken from all the sectors of the Indian Economy. An equal number of cases will be taken from each sector under each scenario.Total number of samples assumed to be taken by the researcher are 130. The research is subjected to flexibility and with further research the samples might increase. Having arrived at our sample set, an analysis of post acquisition will be conducted. The analysis will be based on the listed companys financial data available. A comparative analysis of both scenarios will be done using paired t-test. Our null hypothesis will be a statement that there is no significant difference in post acquisition performance of domestic and cross border deals. Financial Ratios will also be used to arrive at the objective- Quick Ratio Current Ratio Total liabilities to shareholders Total assets Return on equity Return on Assets Torbins Q ratio Annual Growth to sales(GS) Annual Growth on assets(GA) OLCF- operating loss carry forward to total assets. According to Altman (1968), financial ratios were used to identify financially distressed firms. These ratios were characterisitics of firms and established their relationship to important dimensions such as liquidity, profitability and size. Harris, et al; (1982) examined two types of variables: financial and product, to capture the characteristics of a firm that determine whether the firm is being acquired or not and it was in the time period1974-1977. The study indicates that financial variables have statistical significance while product market variables have very little explanatory power. The study signifies that firms with lower price-earnings ratio and smaller size are more likely to be takeover targets. DATA COLLECTION: The secondary data will be collected from magazines, newspapers, journals and databases like Prowess Databases of Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy(CMIE), web sites of Securities and Exchange Board of India and Capitaline. DATA ANALYSIS: SPSS Software will be used to analyze the results from the data collected which will also help sample set which is not the entire population.providing insight into the post merger performance of the acquirer firms. EHTICAL PERSPECTIVES: As the obligation of a researcher, the data acquired shall not be tampered with. LIMITATIONS There are issues of relevance and accuracy of secondary data. The research uses secondary data that has been collected at a different point in time with a different objective and level of accuracy. The objectives, nature and methods used to collect secondary data may be subject to random errors. The learnings from the research are a generalization from the trend observed via the CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE: The research paper will provide invaluable insights into mergers and acquisition as a potent tool used by several firms to achieve their desired objectives. A comparative analysis of the domestic and cross border scenario will give us a consolidated view of their respective ability and potential to positively impact the engaging firms. A macro level picture based on generalization from a sample set will delineate a picture of India s experience from domestic and cross-border MAs. Thus, the research paper even within its limitations will be able to reflect past performance and in turn give lessons for future decision making. Gantt Chart
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theodore Roosevelt The First President Of The United States
Theodore Roosevelt, better known as Teddy Roosevelt, was the twenty-sixth president of the United States. Originally, Roosevelt served as the Vice President, running on the Republican ticket with William McKinley. However, following the assassination of McKinley, Theodore took the role of president on September 14, 1901. President Roosevelt then won the 1904 election with his Vice President, Charles W. Fairbanks, in a land slide victory, earning over fifty percent of the popular vote and seventy percent of the electoral votes (â€Å"Theodore†). His term ended on March fourth, 1909. The most commonly associated factor with President Roosevelt was his â€Å"Big Stick Policy.†He was a firm believer that America had a duty, like all other powerful nations, to guide the world in a peace and kind manner, but he was not afraid to show force when needed (Mabry). The most cited incident of his force being used was in the seizure and creation of the Panama Canal, which he often cited at the work he was most proud of. President Roosevelt wished to build a channel through which the US Navy and other ships could go through to cut down the time spent in their travels around the Americas. When negotiations fell through with Colombia, the country that currently owned the property he was interested in building on, Roosevelt funded the Panamanian revolution and helped to set up a Naval Blockade to aid them even further. After all was said and done in 1903, a treaty called the Hay-Bunau-Varilla TreatyShow MoreRelatedTheodore Roosevelt : The First Modern President Of The United States Essay1187 Words  | 5 PagesTheodore Roosevelt is widely thought of as the first modern President of the United States. The influence that the office has today began to develop during Roosevelt’s time in office. His impact is one that will not be forgotten. 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Natio nal Park service 2). He attended the New York Assembly, which was his first step inRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt And The Cuban War1086 Words  | 5 Pageshistory is Theodore Roosevelt. During his life, he made a great impact on America. Roosevelt was the 26th president and fought in the Spanish-American War, also known as the Cuban War. He was the most influential person who supported the completion of construction of the Panama Canal. One of the first and most important National Parks, Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota, was named after him too. During his presidency, he inspired many. If it was not for Theodore Roosevelt, our societyRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt : The Hero Of The Spanish American War1028 Words  | 5 PagesTheodore Roosevelt originally came into the national spotlight as the hero of the Spanish-American War when he led a charge against the Spanish during the battle of San Juan Hill. 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It is clear why George Washington, as the first president, Thomas Jefferson, as third president and author of the DeclarationRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt And His Influence On Our Lives1388 Words  | 6 PagesWho was this grad-school dropout who would preside as president of the United States and win a nobel peace prize? Theodore Roosevelt was an accomplished man that had tremendous influence on our lives today through his presidency as well as his political contributions. Over the next few pages we will take a closer look at the Theodore or â€Å"Teddy†Roosevelt’s accomplishments in life, his presidency and delve into his political policies. Theodore Roosevelt’s childhood was adventurous despite him sufferingRead MoreWhat Made Theodore Roosevelt a Great Leader? Essay685 Words  | 3 PagesWhat made Theodore Roosevelt such a great president and person? Many people aspire to be like him, but he sets a high bar for humanity. He is in many peoples opinions one of the greatest presidents of the United States, so incredible that his face is set in stone and will be for hundreds of years in the future. Theodore Roosevelt, Junior was born on October 27, 1858. His father was Theodore, Roosevelt, Senior and his mother was Martha Stewart Bulloch. He lived in New York City in a sectionRead MoreTheodore Roosevelt . Introduction To The Life Of Theodore1574 Words  | 7 PagesTHEODORE ROOSEVELT Introduction to the Life of Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt was born October 27, 1858 in New York City to Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. Theodore was also known as Teedie or Teddy. Due to his continuing battle with health issues, which started at birth, Roosevelt was homeschooled along with his siblings. The family house also had a gymnasium where he lifted weights and boxed to help him gain strength. Despite what appeared to be a sickly and weak child, Roosevelt
The History of the Boston Massacre Free Essays
I was interested in the Boston Massacre and found many testimonies and other primary resources there. However, as I read through I was intrigued by a comment in my readings about Captain Thomas Preston’s â€Å"London Letter†. In Preston’s letter to London, he intended only Londoners to read it and when the article was later published in the Boston Gazette it added annoyance to the already frustrated public in Boston. We will write a custom essay sample on The History of the Boston Massacre or any similar topic only for you Order Now I was now, intrigued and determined to find Captain Preston’s newspaper article. I, then, asked for help from the research and technology desk. They guided me through the library database to find a website called American Historical Newspapers. They had many articles from 1700-1850 and I was able to find the actual article, with Captain Preston’s recollection of the â€Å"unhappy affair†(Preston’s quote), posted in the Boston Gazette from June 25th 1770, as well as, the original letter to London first published, in April 28th, in the London newspaper the Essex Gazette. Originally this article was a letter sent by Captain Thomas Preston, to London intended for â€Å"His Majesty†the king. The letter was delivered to the Essex Gazette, a London newspaper, and printed in April 28th 1770. Captain Preston produced this account of what came to be known as the Boston Massacre, after being jailed and accused of ordering his men to â€Å"fire on a crowd of angry townspeople†. Two months later, (the amount of time it takes to get to America from London by ship) the Boston Gazette published Captain Preston’s article under the headline, â€Å"A Narrative of the Late Transactions at Boston. †During the trial of Captain Preston and his soldiers, copies of â€Å"A Narrative of the Late Transactions at Boston†began to circulate around Boston and surrounding areas. Captain Preston’s descriptions of the events were biased and unsympathetic to the townspeople, painting a picture of the soldiers trying to do their job and the townspeople not abiding and being â€Å"unruly†and â€Å"abusive†. Captain Preston declares that leading up to the incident the townspeople had increasingly â€Å"provoked and abused the soldiers†. Furthermore, Preston explains that an informant had warned him that there was a â€Å"mob†of angry townspeople that were planning to storm his soldier’s barracks â€Å"carry off a soldier and murder him†. Preston goes so far as to pin the guilt of giving the order to shoot by yelling â€Å"fire, fire†on members of the â€Å"unruly mob†and assures the reader that he was yelling â€Å"don’t fire†. Captain Preston never deviates from the staunch defense of his innocence and the threat to himself and his soldier’s lives throughout his entire narrative. Preston’s article being published in the Essex Gazette reveals that he is attempting to rally support for his innocence, from not only the king but all of London too. When the Boston Gazette printed the article they did not change the words of Captain Preston’s letter to London. They instead must have realized their audience, the Boston public, would receive Captain Preston’s description of the events much differently than the king or the people of London did. However, the Boston Gazette editor does put a negative introduction of the article at the top of Captain Preston’s letter to London, stating â€Å"how greatly the conduct of the town has been misrepresented. †This quote reveals the stark contrast of interpretation of the letter between the king of England and the Boston public. Both newspapers print the same article but have two completely different audiences with two completely different opinions of the need for British troops in Boston. The American Promise text, uses a more comprehensive approach when explaining the events of the Boston Massacre. The text gives more information about the transactions between the Bostonians and the soldiers leading up to the bloodshed on March 5th, 1770. For example, the soldiers are explained as â€Å"grating on the nerves of the Bostonians†by conducting drills on the town Common and â€Å"playing loud music on the Sabbath†, a day of rest and contemplation for the townspeople. Furthermore, during this time, colonists were beginning to assert their independence from England by boycotting trade with the Nonconsumption Agreements in 1768 and the Virginia Resolves in 1765. This period of time in the colonies is glutted with conflict between the uncompromising rule of the monarchy of England and the desire for representation and independence of the colonies. These two aforementioned Captain Preston’s recollection of the events were, like all peoples point of view, biased and sympathetic to oneself. The Bostonians had a contrasting interpretation of the events. And the textbook seems to collect all of these opinions and present them the best that it can. By reading Captain Preston’s primary document about the Boston Massacre, one can get a deeper understanding of what his emotional response was to the events. Reading someone’s opinion of an event draws the reader into the author’s point of view for a few moments and allows one to begin to understand what it must have felt like for the author. Primary documents have are a great way to step back in time and look at the world through someone else’s eyes. Someone who has grown up in a different place with different rules and standards. How to cite The History of the Boston Massacre, Essay examples
Proposal For A Senior Employment Agency Essay Example For Students
Proposal For A Senior Employment Agency Essay PROPOSAL FOR A SENIOR EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BY COLORADO SPRINGS EMPLOYMENT INC. INTRODUCTION Grants Request Document Type: National Aging Grant Funding Opportunity Number: HHS-2010-AOA-SL-1007 Opportunity Category: Title IV Discretionary Projects Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement Expected Number of Awards: 7 Estimated Total Program Funding: 7 Award Ceiling: $100,000 Award Floor: $100,000 Grant Application Due Date: April 21, 2010 Grant Proposal Three page description including the following information: Senior employment agency details of funds requested Detail need for service Expected impact of senior employment in the area Stated goals and objectives Timeline for program Required organization information Amount needed for project Company business plan Goals and vision Proposed training and services Complete contact information Copy of IRS 501 non-profit verification Proposed Financial Information Projected operating cost Detailed budget Elderly unemployment estimated annual cost Summarize the benefits to seniors in the community Effect on the Aging Network Emphasis methods to improve senior employment Explain success measurement for the project Object of the Proposal There is an extensive need for a senior employment agency in the Colorado Springs area. The objective of this proposal was to gain insight on the practices of local competitors and specialized service requirements, and also to recommend prospective business sites. Applied Research Techniques The methodology used in this proposal was to study and analyze Age Discrimination Laws and the need for a senior employment agency in Colorado Spring. . rks Cited Age Discrimination. US EEOC Home Page, n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. Ansberry, Clare. Elderly Emerge as a New Class of Workers and the Jobless. Wall Street Journal 9 Feb. 2009. Print. Colorado State Unit on Aging Senior Community Services Employment Program. n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. Delaney, Arthur. AARP Launches Massive Job Fair Project for Older Unemployed. Huffington Post. Arthur Delaney, 16 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. El Paso County Land Development Code. n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. Funding Opportunities. Administration on Aging. Government Grants. Web. 18 Mar. 2010. Laid Off or Displaced? Get Help: AARP. AARP: Health, Travel, Baby Boomers, Elections, Financial Planning, Family, Games, Volunteer, Retirement, Discounts, Seniors. Feb. 2009. Web. 29 Mar. 2010. OASAM. The U.S. Department of Labor Home Page. n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2010.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Communication Systems Essay Example For Students
Communication Systems Essay COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSBarriers to Human Communication,XLanguage,XDistanceElectronic CommunicationsThe transmission, reception, and processing of information using electronic circuits. Historymid-19th century V James Clark Maxwell studied electromagnetic wave and predicted that it can be propagated through free space. 1837 V Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. 1876 V Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson transmitted human conversation over a functional telephone system. 1888 V Heinrich Hertz radiated electromagnetic energy from a machine he called oscillator. 1894 V Guglielmo Marconi was the first to accomplish wireless transmission. 1908 V Lee DeForest invented the triode vacuum tube. 1933 V Major Howard Armstrong invented frequency modulation. 1948 V William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen invented the transistor. Electromagnetic SpectrumElectromagnetic SpectrumThe entire range of frequency. FrequencyThe number of times an alternating current goes through its complete cycle per second is known as its frequency. The international unit of measurement of frequency is hertz, abbreviated Hz. The English unit is cycles per second, abbreviated cps (1 Hz = 1 cps). It is rarely used. To simplify terminology, 1000 Hz is called kilohertz, abbreviated kHz, and 1000000 Hz is called a megahertz, abbreviated MHz. The vibration rate of sound waves in air may also use the term frequency. When middle C is played on a musical instrument, for example, an air disturbance with a frequency of 262 Hz is set up. The lowest tone that can be heard by human beings is about 15 Hz. The highest audible, audio, or sonic tones are usually 12 to 22 kHz (22 kHz for youngsters, 12 kHz for seniors). A microphone is a device or transducer that can change sound waves in air to an equivalent-frequency ac in wires. Frequencies that produce sound waves audible to humans are said to be audio frequencies (AF). Frequencies that can be fed to antennas and will radiate electromagnetic and electrostatic waves in space are considered to be radio frequencies (RF). FCC Band Designations Frequency RangeDesignations30 V 300 HzELF (Extremely Low Frequencies)0.3 V 3 kHzVF (Voice Frequencies)3 V 30 kHzVLF (Very Low Frequencies)30 V 300 kHzLF (Low Frequencies)0.3 V 3 MHzMF (Medium Frequencies)3 V 30 MHzHF (High Frequencies)30 V 300 MHzVHF (Very High Frequencies)0.3 V 3 GHzUHF (Ultra High Frequencies)3 V 30 GHzSHF (Super High Frequencies)30 V 300 GHzEHF (Extremely High Frequencies)0.3 V 3 THzInfrared 3 V 30 THzInfrared 30 V 300 THzInfrared 0.3 V 3 PHzVisible Light3 V 30 PHzUltraviolet 30 V 300 PHzX-rays0.3 V 3 EHzGamma rays3 V 30 EHzCosmic rays, FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission Wavelength, U The length that one cycle of an electromagnetic wave occupies in space, also, the distance between simila r points in a repetitive wave. wherek= velocity factor (equal to 1 in free space)c= velocity of light in free space= 299793000 m/s ,l 3 ,e 108 m/sf= frequency@ high frequencies, wavelength is too short and is usually expressed as Angstrom. Bandwidth and Information CapacityLimitations of Communication Systems,Xnoise,XbandwidthBandwidth, BWunit:Hz (Hertz)A portion of electromagnetic spectrum occupied by a system. Minimum range of frequencies required propagating the source information through the system. must be sufficiently large (wide) to pass all significant information frequencies. difference between the upper and lower limit frequencies. Information CapacityA measure of how much source information can be carried through the system in a given period of time. Hartleys LawInformation Capacity N Bandwidth ,e timeSignal AnalysisFactors Affecting the Signal,XDistortion V signal alteration due to imperfect response of the system to the desired signal. ,XInterference V contamination of extraneous signal usually man-made to a form similar to the desired signal. ,XNoise V random, undesirable high frequency spikes. ,XAttenuation V decrease in signal level. Types of Signals,XBaseband Signal,XModulated SignalTypes of Intelligence Transmitted,XAnalog ,XDigitalAdvantages of Digital Over Analog,Xeasier to multiplex,Ximproved noise immunity,Xbetter performance,Xeasier to interfaceDisadvantages of Digital Over Analog,Xneed for large (wide) bandwidth,Xneed for synchronization,Xneed for additional equipment,Xrestriction to wired topologyKinds of Signal Representations,XTime-Domain V amplitude vs. time,XFrequency-Domain V amplitude vs. frequencyClassifications of Signals:According to Period,XPeriodic V signals that keep on repeating at a regular interval. Autism: Educational and Social Effects EssayResults of Noise,Xhiss/static,Xsnow/confetti,Xbit errors,Xsignal lossKinds of NoiseCorrelated Noise V mutually related to the signal and cannot be present in a circuit unless there is an input signal and is produced by nonlinear amplification. No signal, no noise!Harmonic Distortion V unwanted harmonics of a signal are produced. Intermodulation Distortion V the generation of unwanted sum and difference frequencies (cross products) when two or more signals are amplified in a nonlinear device. Uncorrelated Noise V present regardless of whether there is a signal present or not. Kind of Uncorrelated NoiseExternal Noise V generated outside the device or circuit. Atmospheric Noise V naturally occurring electrical disturbances that originate within the earths atmosphere. Extraterrestrial Noise V consists of electrical signals that originate from outside Earths atmosphere. Solar Noise V directly from the suns heat. Cosmic Noise V from the stars. Man-made Noise V produced by manufactured equipment, such as automotive ignition systems, electric motors and generators. Internal Noise V generated within a device or circuit. Shot Noise V caused by the random arrival of carriers (holes and electrons) at the output element of an electronic device. Transit-Time Noise V shows up as a kind of random noise within the device and is directly proportional to the frequency of operation. Thermal Noise V associated with the rapid and random movement of electrons within a conductor due to thermal agitation. Noise ComputationsNoise Powerthe average noise power is proportional to the absolute temperature of the conductor and to the bandwidth or spectrum of the thermal noise. wherePN= noise power (W)T= Temperature of the conductor (K)B= bandwidth of the noise spectrum (Hz)k= Boltzmanns Constant = Noise VoltagewhereVN= rms noise voltageT= Temperature of the conductor (K)B= bandwidth of the noise spectrum (Hz)k= Boltzmanns Constant = R= equivalent resistance generating the noisefor combinations of resistancesSeries Parallel Power Spectrum Density or Noise Density,Xaverage noise power per Hertz of bandwidth,Xa figure that determines the amount of noise contained in a specified bandwidth. Signal-to-Noise Ratio,Xa relative measure of the desired signal power to the noise power. In decibel form:wherePS= signal powerPN= noise powerVS= signal voltage VN= noise voltage Noise FactorwhereSi= input signal powerNi= input noise powerSo= output signal powerNo= output noise powerNoise Figurefor ideal noiseless networkfor a network that contributes noiseReactance Noise Effects,Xthe significant effect of reactive circuits on noise is their limitation on frequency response. ,Xthe equivalent bandwidth to be used in noise calculations with reactive circuits iswhereB3dB= half power bandwidth Equivalent Noise TemperaturewhereTeq= equivalent noise temperature To= reference absolute temperature = 290 KF= noise factorNoise Due to Amplifiers in CascadeFriiss FormulaOver-all noise factor of n stagesOver-all noise temperature of n stagesOver-all noise resistancewhereA= voltage gain (ratio)G= power gain (ratio)Shot Noise,Xa form of internal noise, which is due to the random variations in current flow in active devices such as tubes, transistors and diodes. WhereiN= rms noise currentq= charge of an electron = B= bandwidth over which the noise is observed I= dc bias current in the deviceProblems:1.What is the shot noise current for a diode with a forward bias of 1.15 mA over a 50-kHz bandwidth?2.An amplifier operating over the frequency range of 455 kHz to 460 kHz has a 200 kC input resistance. What is the rms noise voltage at the input to the amplifier if the ambient temperature is 17XC?3.Two resistors, 5 kC and 20 kC are at 27XC. Calculate the thermal noise power and voltage for a 10 kHz bandwidth. a) for each resistor, b) for their series combination, and c) for their parallel combination. 4.Three matched amplifiers are available to amplify a low level signal, they have the following characteristics. AmplifierPower GainNoise FactorA6 dB1.5B12 dB2C20 dB4The amplifiers are to be connected in cascade. Calculate the lowest overall noise factor obtainable noting the order in which the amplifiers must be connected.
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